Roberto Dutesco, is a photographer that did nature photography work on Sable Island, a small island off the coast of Halifax, Canada. The Island is a very untouched place with no more than 10 people there at a time. I've always been fascinated by this small, secluded island and how rich it is in wildlife. I think it's so intriguing to me because growing up just north of New York city, primitive places such as Sable Island seem unreal. Roberto Dutesco was the first person to ever publicly release photographs of this island. He opened a studio in SoHo Manhattan that I visited once while in the city. After looking at the price tags of these photos I realized they weren't in my price range but, hopefully one day when I'm rich I can cover the walls of my house with these gorgeous photographs. Roberto hopes to bring awareness to the island and to teach people that some places in the world deserve to be left untouched. I attached his website below and some of his photographs of the wild horses.
"if you give respect to what’s in front of you that respect will always be returned" - Roberto Dutesco
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